Italian restaurant in Athlone

EUBD/Athlone/Italian restaurant in Athlone

Our directory includes 6 Italian restaurant in Athlone. We only list verified local companies. The mission of our website is to facilitate the search for local businesses. Find a Italian restaurant in Athlone near you: addresses, phone numbers, social media - all information on the EUBD.

Pavarotti’s Italian Restaurant

Fry Place, High St
+353 90 649 3066

Apache Pizza Athlone Café Custume Pier

Custume Pier, Custume Pl
+353 90 642 0005
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Savio’s Pizza Takeaway

16 Mardyke St
+353 90 645 0577
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Di Bella

High St
+353 90 649 8972
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Il Colosseo

6 Northgate St
+353 90 647 5094
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My Melody, Athlone

Main St
+353 90 649 0459
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