Cake shops in Dublin

EUBD/Dublin/Cake shops in Dublin

Our directory includes 12 Cake shops in Dublin. We only list verified local companies. The mission of our website is to facilitate the search for local businesses. Find a Cake shops in Dublin near you: addresses, phone numbers, social media - all information on the EUBD.


The Spade Enterprise Centre
+353 89 403 7823
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The Pink Bakery

8 Seabury Meadows
+353 86 046 8427

Cakes and Baketivities


Capital Cake Co.

6 O'Connell Street Upper

Cherry Blossom Cakery

54 B Dorset Street Lower

Maxicake LTD

115A Lagan Rd
+353 1 556 3352
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141 Rathmines Rd Upper
+353 1 496 2511
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1-3 William St S
+353 1 679 8828
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Mannings Bakery Blanchardstown

Level 1, Green Mall, Blanchardstown Centre
+353 1 454 2114
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Cake That

517 Griffith Ave
+353 87 282 8666
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Miller Cake Studio

Studio 4, Marlay Craft Courtyard, Marlay Park, Dublin 16, Ireland, Grange Rd
+353 85 145 0756
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Luky’s Cake

unit 9, Porter's Gate Ave
+353 89 456 6781

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