Asian restaurant in Sligo

EUBD/Sligo/Asian restaurant in Sligo

Our directory includes 8 Asian restaurant in Sligo. We only list verified local companies. The mission of our website is to facilitate the search for local businesses. Find a Asian restaurant in Sligo near you: addresses, phone numbers, social media - all information on the EUBD.

Camile Thai

16 Stephen St
+353 71 914 9344
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Mandarin Court Chinese Restaurant

Wine St
+353 71 914 2568
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River Wok

Stephen St

Miss Suzy Sligo

32 Castle St
+353 71 914 7922
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Yummy Asian Street Food

17 Temple St
+353 71 916 9919
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You & Me Asian Fusion Restaurant Sligo

You & Me Asian Fusion Restaurant, Wine Street Car Park
+353 71 914 4421
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Jalan Jalan

32 Castle St
+353 71 914 4949
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New Oriental Chinese Take Away

17 Temple St
+353 71 916 9919

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